Pronunciation: i- ' fek-tiv, e-, ē -, ə -
Function: adjective
Date: 14th century
1 a : producing a decided, decisive, or desired effect <an effective policy> b : IMPRESSIVE , STRIKING <a gold lamé fabric studded with effective ⋯ precious stones ― Stanley Marcus>
2 : ready for service or action < effective manpower>
3 : ACTUAL <the need to increase effective demand for goods>
4 : being in effect : OPERATIVE <the tax becomes effective next year>
5 of a rate of interest : equal to the rate of simple interest that yields the same amount when the interest is paid once at the end of the interest period as a quoted rate of interest does when calculated at compound interest over the same period ― compare NOMINAL 4
– ef · fec · tive · ness noun
– ef · fec · tiv · i · ty \ ˌ e- ˌ fek- ' ti-v ə -t ē , i-, ē -, ə - \ noun
synonyms EFFECTIVE , EFFECTUAL , EFFICIENT , EFFICACIOUS mean producing or capable of producing a result. EFFECTIVE stresses the actual production of or the power to produce an effect <an effective rebuttal>. EFFECTUAL suggests the accomplishment of a desired result especially as viewed after the fact <the measures to stop the pilfering proved effectual >. EFFICIENT suggests an acting or a potential for action or use in such a way as to avoid loss or waste of energy in effecting, producing, or functioning <an efficient small car>. EFFICACIOUS suggests possession of a special quality or virtue that gives effective power <a detergent that is efficacious in removing grease>.