Meaning of HARD in English

adj. hard coal

between the rock and the hard place

die hard

hard and fast

hard ass

hard assed

hard bitten

hard boil

hard boiled

hard candy

hard case

hard cheese

hard cider

hard clam

hard coated

hard copy

hard core

hard disk

hard drive

hard driving

hard edge

hard edged

hard eyed

hard goods

hard hat

hard hearted

hard heartedness

hard heartedly

hard hit

hard hitting

hard knocks

hard labor

hard line

hard liner

hard lines

hard luck

hard maple

hard nosed

hard of hearing

hard on

hard ons

hard palate

hard paste porcelain

hard pine

hard pressed

hard put

hard rock

hard rubber

hard sauce

hard sell

hard set

hard shell

hard shelled

hard shell clam

hard shelled clam

hard shell crab

hard shelled crab

hard stone

hard times token

hard up

hard wheat

hard won

between a rock and a hard place

very hard

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