Meaning of HEAD in English


Pronunciation: ' hed

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English hed, from Old English h ē afod; akin to Old High German houbit head, Latin caput

Date: before 12th century

1 : the upper or anterior division of the animal body that contains the brain, the chief sense organs, and the mouth

2 a : the seat of the intellect : MIND <two head s are better than one> b : a person with respect to mental qualities <let wiser head s prevail> c : natural aptitude or talent <a good head for figures> d : mental or emotional control : POISE <a level head > e : HEADACHE

3 : the obverse of a coin ― usually used in plural < head s, I win>

4 a : PERSON , INDIVIDUAL <count head s > b plural head : one of a number (as of domestic animals)

5 a : the end that is upper or higher or opposite the foot <the head of the table> < head of a sail> b : the source of a stream c : either end of something (as a drum) whose two ends need not be distinguished

6 : DIRECTOR , LEADER : as a : HEADMASTER b : one in charge of a division or department in an office or institution <the head of the English department>

7 a : CAPITULUM 2 b : the foliaged part of a plant especially when consisting of a compact mass of leaves or close fructification <a head of lettuce>

8 a : the leading element of a military column or a procession b : HEADWAY

9 a : the uppermost extremity or projecting part of an object : TOP b : the striking part of a weapon, tool, or implement c : the rounded proximal end of a long bone (as the humerus) d : the end of a muscle nearest the origin e : the oval part of a printed musical note

10 a : a body of water kept in reserve at a height also : the containing bank, dam, or wall b : a mass of water in motion

11 a : the difference in elevation between two points in a body of fluid b : the resulting pressure of the fluid at the lower point expressible as this height broadly : pressure of a fluid

12 a : the bow and adjacent parts of a ship b : a ship's toilet broadly : TOILET 3

13 : the approximate length of the head of a horse <won by a head >

14 : the place of leadership, honor, or command <at the head of her class>

15 a (1) : a word or series of words often in larger letters placed at the beginning of a passage or at the top of a page in order to introduce or categorize (2) : a separate part or topic b : a portion of a page or sheet that is above the first line of printing

16 : the foam or scum that rises on a fermenting or effervescing liquid (as beer)

17 a : the part of a boil, pimple, or abscess at which it is likely to break b : culminating point of action : CRISIS <events came to a head >

18 a : a part or attachment of a machine or machine tool containing a device (as a cutter or drill) also : the part of an apparatus that performs the chief function or a particular function b : an electromagnet used as a transducer in magnetic recording for recording on, reading, or erasing a magnetic medium (as tape or a disk)

19 : an immediate constituent of a construction that can have the same grammatical function as the whole (as man in “ an old man ” , “ a very old man ” , or “ the man in the street ” )

20 a : one who uses a drug ― often used in combination <pot head > b : a devoted enthusiast : AFICIONADO ― often used in combination <computer head >

21 often vulgar : FELLATIO , CUNNILINGUS ― usually used with give

– by the head : drawing the greater depth of water forward

– off one's head : CRAZY , DISTRACTED

– out of one's head : DELIRIOUS

– over one's head

1 : beyond one's comprehension or competence <the most awful intellectual detail, all of it over my head ― E. B. White>

2 : so as to pass over one's superior standing or authority <went over my head to complain>

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.