Meaning of LIGHT in English


Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English l ē oht; akin to Old High German l ī hti light, Latin levis, Greek elachys small

Date: before 12th century

1 a : having little weight : not heavy b : designed to carry a comparatively small load <a light truck> c : having relatively little weight in proportion to bulk <aluminum is a light metal> d : containing less than the legal, standard, or usual weight <a light coin>

2 a : of little importance : TRIVIAL b : not abundant < light rain> <a light lunch>

3 a : easily disturbed <a light sleeper> b : exerting a minimum of force or pressure : GENTLE <a light touch> c : resulting from a very slight pressure : FAINT < light print>

4 a : easily endurable <a light illness> b : requiring little effort < light work>

5 : capable of moving swiftly or nimbly < light on his feet>

6 a : FRIVOLOUS 1A < light conduct> b : lacking in stability : CHANGEABLE < light opinions> c : sexually promiscuous

7 : free from care : CHEERFUL

8 : less powerful but usually more mobile than usual for its kind < light cavalry> <a light cruiser>

9 a : made with a lower calorie content or with less of some ingredient (as salt, fat, or alcohol) than usual < light beer> < light salad dressing> b : having a relatively mild flavor

10 a : easily digested <a light soup> b : well leavened <a light crust>

11 : coarse and sandy or easily pulverized < light soil>

12 : DIZZY , GIDDY <felt light in the head>

13 : intended chiefly to entertain < light verse> < light comedy>

14 a : carrying little or no cargo <the ship returned light > b : producing goods for direct consumption by the consumer < light industry>

15 : not bearing a stress or accent <a light syllable>

16 : having a clear soft quality <a light voice>

17 : being in debt to the pot in a poker game <three chips light >

18 : SHORT 5D < light on experience>

19 : CASUAL , OCCASIONAL <a light smoker>

synonyms see EASY

– light · ish \ ' l ī -tish \ adjective

Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary.      Merriam Webster - Энциклопедический словарь английского языка.