Pronunciation: ' p ā
Function: verb
Inflected Form: paid \ ' p ā d \ also in sense 7 payed ; pay · ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French paier, from Latin pacare to pacify, from pac-, pax peace
Date: 13th century
transitive verb
1 a : to make due return to for services rendered or property delivered b : to engage for money : HIRE <you couldn't pay me to do that>
2 a : to give in return for goods or service < pay wages> b : to discharge indebtedness for : SETTLE < pay a bill> c : to make a disposal or transfer of (money)
3 : to give or forfeit in expiation or retribution < pay the penalty>
4 a : to make compensation for b : to requite according to what is deserved < pay them back>
5 : to give, offer, or make freely or as fitting < pay attention> < pay your respects>
6 a : to return value or profit to <it pay s you to stay open> b : to bring in as a return <an investment pay ing five percent>
7 : to slacken (as a rope) and allow to run out ― used with out
intransitive verb
1 : to discharge a debt or obligation
2 : to be worth the expense or effort <crime doesn't pay >
3 : to suffer the consequences of an act
– pay one's dues
1 : to earn a right or position through experience, suffering, or hard work
2 also pay dues : PAY VI 3
– pay one's way or pay one's own way : to pay one's share of expenses
– pay the piper : to bear the cost of something
– pay through the nose : to pay exorbitantly or dearly
synonyms PAY , COMPENSATE , REMUNERATE , SATISFY , REIMBURSE , INDEMNIFY , REPAY , RECOMPENSE mean to give money or its equivalent in return for something. PAY implies the discharge of an obligation incurred < paid their bills on time>. COMPENSATE implies a making up for services rendered or help given <an attorney well compensated for her services>. REMUNERATE more clearly suggests paying for services rendered and may extend to payment that is generous or not contracted for <promised to remunerate the searchers handsomely>. SATISFY implies paying a person what is demanded or required by law <all creditors will be satisfied in full>. REIMBURSE implies a return of money that has been expended for another's benefit < reimbursed employees for expenses>. INDEMNIFY implies making good a loss suffered through accident, disaster, warfare < indemnified the families of the dead miners>. REPAY stresses paying back an equivalent in kind or amount < repay a favor with a favor>. RECOMPENSE suggests due return in amends, friendly repayment, or reward <hotel guests were recompensed for their inconvenience>.