Meaning of SCALE in English


Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French escale, eschale, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English scealu shell, husk ― more at SHELL

Date: 14th century

1 a : a small, flattened, rigid, and definitely circumscribed plate forming part of the external body covering especially of a fish b : a small thin plate suggesting a fish scale < scale s of mica> <the scale s on a moth's wing> c : the scaly covering of a scaled animal

2 : a small thin dry lamina shed (as in many skin diseases) from the skin

3 : a thin coating, layer, or incrustation: as a : a usually black scaly coating of oxide forming on the surface of a metal (as iron) when it is heated for processing b : a hard incrustation usually rich in sulfate of calcium that is deposited on the inside of a vessel (as a boiler) in which water is heated

4 a : a modified leaf protecting a seed plant bud before expansion b : a thin, membranous, chaffy, or woody bract

5 a : any of the small overlapping usually metal pieces forming the outer surface of scale armor b : SCALE ARMOR

6 a : SCALE INSECT b : infestation with or disease caused by scale insects

– scaled \ ' sk ā ( ə )ld \ adjective

– scale · less \ ' sk ā l-l ə s \ adjective

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