Function: verb
Inflected Form: spiked ; spik · ing
Date: 1624
transitive verb
1 : to fasten or furnish with spikes
2 a : to disable (a muzzle-loading cannon) temporarily by driving a spike into the vent b : to suppress or block completely < spiked the rumor>
3 a : to pierce or impale with or on a spike b : to reject (as a story) for publication or broadcast for editorial reasons
4 a : to add an alcoholic beverage to (a drink) < spiked the punch> b : to add a foreign substance to < spike the coffee with tranquilizers> c : to add something highly reactive (as a radioactive tracer) to d : to add vitality, zest, or spice to : LIVEN < spiked the speech with humor> < spike the broth with peppers>
5 : to drive (as a volleyball) sharply downward with a hard blow also : to throw down sharply < spiked the ball in the end zone>
6 : to undergo a sudden sharp increase in (temperature or fever) <the patient spiked a fever of 103°>
intransitive verb : to increase sharply <battery sales spiked after the storm>
– spik · er noun