[spike] n [ME, prob. fr. MD; akin to MHG spicher spike] (13c) 1: a very large nail
2. a: one of a row of pointed irons placed (as on the top of a wall) to prevent passage b (1): one of several metal projections set in the sole and heel of a shoe to improve traction (2) pl: a pair of shoes having spikes attached to the soles or soles and heels c: spindle 1e
3: something resembling a spike: as a: a young mackerel not over six inches (15.2 centimeters) long b: an unbranched antler of a young deer
4. pl: shoes with spike heels
5: the act or an instance of spiking (as in volleyball)
6. a: a pointed element in a graph or tracing b: an unusually high and sharply defined maximum (as of amplitude in a wave train)
7. slang: hypodermic needle 8: a momentary sharp increase and fall in the record of an electric potential; also: action potential 9: an abrupt sharp increase in prices or rates -- spike.like adj
[2]spike vt spiked ; spik.ing (1624) 1: to fasten or furnish with spikes
2. a: to disable (a muzzle-loading cannon) temporarily by driving a spike into the vent b: to suppress or block completely "spiked the rumor" 3 a: to pierce or impale with or on a spike b: to reject (as a story) for publication or broadcast for editorial reasons
4. a: to add an alcoholic beverage to (a drink) b: to add something highly reactive (as a radioactive tracer) to c: to add vitality, zest, or spice to: liven "spiked the speech with humor" "~ the broth with peppers"
5: to drive (as a volleyball) sharply downward with a hard blow; also: to throw down sharply "spiked the ball in the end zone"
6: to undergo a sudden sharp increase in (temperature or fever) "the patient spiked a fever of 103 degrees" -- spik.er n [3]spike n [ME spik, fr. L spica--more at spine] (14c) 1: an ear of grain
2: an elongated inflorescence similar to a raceme but having the flowers sessile on the main axis--see inflorescence illustration