1. n. & v.
1. a a sharp point. b a pointed piece of metal, esp. the top of an iron railing etc.
2 a any of several metal points set into the sole of a running-shoe to prevent slipping. b (in pl.) a pair of running-shoes with spikes.
3 a a pointed metal rod standing on a base and used for filing news items etc. esp. when rejected for publication. b a similar spike used for bills etc.
4 a large stout nail esp. as used for railways.
5 sl. a hypodermic needle.
6 Brit. sl. a doss-house.
7 Electronics a pulse of very short duration in which a rapid increase in voltage is followed by a rapid decrease.
1. a fasten or provide with spikes. b fix on or pierce with spikes.
2 (of a newspaper editor etc.) reject (a story) by filing it on a spike.
3 colloq. a lace (a drink) with alcohol, a drug, etc. b contaminate (a substance) with something added.
4 make useless, put an end to, thwart (an idea etc.).
5 hist. plug up the vent of (a gun) with a spike.
Phrases and idioms:
spike a person's guns spoil his or her plans. spike heel a high tapering heel of a shoe.
Etymology: ME perh. f. MLG, MDu. spiker, rel. to SPOKE(1) 2. n. Bot.
1. a flower-cluster formed of many flower-heads attached closely on a long stem.
2 a separate sprig of any plant in which flowers form a spikelike cluster.
spikelet n.
Etymology: ME, ear of corn, f. L SPICA