Meaning of WARRANT in English


Pronunciation: ' wo ̇ r- ə nt, ' wär-

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English waraunt protector, warrant, from Anglo-French warant, garant, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German wer ē nto guarantor, wer ē n to warrant; akin to Old High German w ā ra trust, care ― more at VERY

Date: 14th century

1 a (1) : SANCTION , AUTHORIZATION also : evidence for or token of authorization (2) : GUARANTEE , SECURITY b (1) : GROUND , JUSTIFICATION (2) : CONFIRMATION , PROOF

2 a : a commission or document giving authority to do something especially : a writing that authorizes a person to pay or deliver to another and the other to receive money or other consideration b : a precept or writ issued by a competent magistrate authorizing an officer to make an arrest, a seizure, or a search or to do other acts incident to the administration of justice c : an official certificate of appointment issued to an officer of lower rank than a commissioned officer d (1) : a short-term obligation of a governmental body (as a municipality) issued in anticipation of revenue (2) : an instrument issued by a corporation giving to the holder the right to purchase the stock of the corporation at a stated price either prior to a stipulated date or at any future time

– war · rant · less \ -l ə s \ adjective

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