Meaning of DUMMY in English

[dum.my] n, pl dummies [[1]dumb + [4]-y] (1598) 1 a: one who is incapable of speaking b: one who is habitually silent c: one who is stupid

2. a: the exposed hand in bridge played by the declarer in addition to his own hand b: a bridge player whose hand is a dummy

3: an imitation, copy, or likeness of something used as a substitute: as a: mannequin b: a stuffed figure or cylindrical bag used by football players for tackling and blocking practice c: a large puppet usu. having movable features (as mouth and arms) manipulated by a ventriloquist d chiefly Brit: pacifier 2

4: one seeming to act independently but in reality controlled by another

5. a: a mock-up of a proposed publication (as a book or magazine) b: a set of pages (as for a newspaper or magazine) with the position of text and artwork indicated for the printer

[2]dummy adj (1846) 1 a: having the appearance of being real: artificial "~ foods in the display case" b: existing in name only: fictitious "~ corporations"

2: apparently acting for oneself while really acting for or at the direction of another "a ~ director" [3]dummy vt dum.mied ; dum.my.ing (1928): to make a dummy of (as a publication)--often used with up "dummied up the front page"

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