[el.bow] n [ME elbowe, fr. OE elboga, fr. el- (akin to eln ell) + OE boga bow--more at ell, bow] (bef. 12c) 1 a: the joint of the human arm b: a corresponding joint in the anterior limb of a lower vertebrate
2: something (as macaroni or an angular pipe fitting) resembling an elbow -- at one's elbow : at one's side -- out at elbows or out at the elbows 1: shabbily dressed
2: short of funds
[2]elbow vt (1605) 1 a: to push with the elbow: jostle b: to shove aside by pushing with or as if with the elbow
2: to force (as one's way) by pushing with or as if with the elbow "~ing our way through the crowd" "~s her way into the best social circles" ~ vi 1: to advance by pushing with the elbow
2: to make an angle: turn