Meaning of GREAT in English

[great] adj [ME grete, fr. OE great; akin to OHG groz large] (bef. 12c) 1 a: notably large in size: huge b: of a kind characterized by relative largeness--used in plant and animal names c: elaborate, ample "~ detail"

2. a: large in number or measure: numerous "~ multitudes" b: predominant "the ~ majority"

3: remarkable in magnitude, degree, or effectiveness "~ bloodshed"

4: full of emotion "~ with anger"

5. a: eminent, distinguished "a ~ poet" b: chief or preeminent over others--often used in titles "Lord Great Chamberlain" c: aristocratic, grand "~ ladies"

6: long continued "a ~ while" 7: principal, main "a reception in the ~ hall" 8: more remote in a family relationship by a single generation than a specified relative "great-grandfather" 9: markedly superior in character or quality; esp: noble "~ of soul"

10. a: remarkably skilled "~ at tennis" b: marked by enthusiasm: keen "~ on science fiction" 11--used as a generalized term of approval "had a ~ time" "it was just ~" -- great.ness n

[2]great adv (13c): in a great manner: successfully, well "things are going ~" [3]great n, pl great or greats (13c): an outstandingly superior or skillful person

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