Meaning of LURE in English

[lure] n [ME, fr. MF loire, of Gmc origin; akin to MHG luoder bait; perh. akin to OE lathian to invite, OHG ladon] (14c) 1: an object usu. of leather or feathers attached to a long cord and used by a falconer to recall or exercise a hawk

2. a: an inducement to pleasure or gain: enticement b: appeal, attraction

3: a decoy for attracting animals to capture: as a: artificial bait used for catching fish b: an often luminous structure on the head of pediculate fishes that is used to attract prey

[2]lure vt lured ; (14c) 1: to recall or exercise (a hawk) by means of a lure

2: to draw with a hint of pleasure or gain: attract actively and strongly syn lure, entice, inveigle, decoy, tempt, seduce mean to lead astray from one's true course. lure implies a drawing into danger, evil, or difficulty through attracting and deceiving "lured naive investors with get-rich-quick schemes". entice suggests drawing by artful or adroit means "advertising designed to entice new customers". inveigle implies enticing by cajoling or flattering "fund-raisers inveigling wealthy alumni". decoy implies a luring into entrapment by artifice "attempting to decoy the enemy into an ambush". tempt implies the presenting of an attraction so strong that it overcomes the restraints of conscience or better judgment "tempted by the offer of money". seduce implies a leading astray by persuasion or false promises "seduced by assurances of assistance".

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