[na.tive] adj [ME natif, fr. MF, fr. L nativus, fr. natus, pp. of nasci to be born--more at nation] (14c) 1: inborn, innate "~ talents"
2: belonging to a particular place by birth "~ to Wisconsin" 3 archaic: closely related
4: belonging to or associated with one by birth
5: natural, normal
6. a: grown, produced, or originating in a particular place or in the vicinity: local b: living or growing naturally in a particular region: indigenous 7: simple, unaffected
8. a: constituting the original substance or source b: found in nature esp. in an unadulterated form "mining ~ silver"
9. chiefly Austral: having a usu. superficial resemblance to a specified English plant or animal -- na.tive.ly adv -- na.tive.ness n syn native, indigenous, endemic, aboriginal mean belonging to a locality. native implies birth or origin in a place or region and may suggest compatibility with it "native tribal customs". indigenous applies to species or races and adds to native the implication of not having been introduced from elsewhere "maize is indigenous to America". endemic implies being peculiar to a region "edelweiss is endemic in the Alps". aboriginal implies having no known race preceding in occupancy of the region "the aboriginal peoples of Australia".
[2]native n (1535) 1: one born or reared in a particular place
2. a: an original or indigenous inhabitant b: something indigenous to a particular locality
3: a local resident; esp: a person who has always lived in a place as distinguished from a visitor or a temporary resident