[pip] n [ME pippe, fr. MD (akin to OHG pfiffiz), fr. (assumed) VL pipita, alter. of L pituita phlegm, pip; perh. akin to Gk pitys pine--more at pine] (15c) 1 a: a disorder of a bird marked by formation of a scale or crust on the tongue b: the scale or crust of this disorder
2. a: any of various human ailments; esp: a slight nonspecific disorder b chiefly Brit: a feeling of irritation or annoyance
[2]pip vb pipped ; pip.ping [imit.] vi (1598) 1: [1]peep 1
2: to break through the shell of the egg "the chick pipped" ~ vt: to break open (the shell of an egg) in hatching [3]pip n [origin unknown] (1604) 1 a: one of the dots used on dice and dominoes to indicate numerical value b: spot 2c
2. a: spot, speck b: [1]spike 6a; also: blip
3: an individual rootstock of the lily of the valley
4: a diamond-shaped insignia of rank worn by a second lieutenant, lieutenant, or captain in the British army [4]pip n [short for pippin] (1797) 1: a small fruit seed; esp: one of a several-seeded fleshy fruit
2: one extraordinary of its kind [5]pip vt pipped ; pip.ping [prob. fr. pip to blackball, fr. [3]pip or [4]pip] (1880) Brit: to beat by a narrow margin [6]pip n [imit.] (1907) chiefly Brit: a short high-pitched tone