pip 1
/pip/ , n.
1. one of the spots on dice, playing cards, or dominoes.
2. each of the small segments into which the surface of a pineapple is divided.
3. Informal. metal insigne of rank on the shoulders of commissioned officers.
4. Hort.
a. an individual rootstock of a plant, esp. of the lily of the valley.
b. a portion of the rootstock or root of several other plants, as the peony.
[ 1590-1600; earlier peep; orig. uncert. ]
pip 2
/pip/ , n.
1. Vet. Pathol. a contagious disease of birds, esp. poultry, characterized by the secretion of a thick mucus in the mouth and throat.
2. Facetious. any minor or unspecified ailment in a person.
[ 1375-1425; late ME pippe pipita, for L pituita phlegm, pip ]
pip 3
/pip/ , n.
1. a small seed, esp. of a fleshy fruit, as an apple or orange.
2. Also called pipperoo . Informal. someone or something wonderful: Last night's party was a pip.
[ 1590-1600; 1910-15 for def. 2; short for PIPPIN ]
pip 4
/pip/ , v. , pipped, pipping .
1. to peep or chirp.
2. (of a young bird) to break out from the shell.
3. to crack or chip a hole through (the shell), as a young bird.
[ 1650-60; var. of PEEP 2 ]
pip 5
/pip/ , n. Electronics.
blip (def. 1).
[ 1940-45; imit. ]
pip 6
/pip/ , v.t., pipped, pipping . Brit. Slang.
1. to blackball.
2. to defeat (an opponent).
3. to shoot, esp. to wound or kill by a gunshot.
[ 1875-80; perh. special use of PIP 1 , in metaphorical sense of a small ball ]