Synonyms and related words :
CRT spot, DM display, Doppler signal, Hershey bar, IF signal, IM display, RF echoes, Texas fever, abnormality, ace, acorn, acute disease, affection, affliction, ailment, allergic disease, allergy, anthrax, aphthous fever, atrophy, aviation badge, bacterial disease, badge, bar, beam, beat signal, beaut, berry, best, bighead, bird seed, birth defect, black quarter, blackleg, blackwater, blight, blind staggers, blips, bloody flux, bounces, broken wind, cackle, call, cardiovascular disease, carol, cash in, cattle plague, caw, charbon, chatter, check out, cheep, chevron, chicken, chirk, chirp, chirr, chirrup, chitter, chronic disease, chuck, circulatory disease, clack, cluck, cock-a-doodle-doo, complaint, complication, condition, congenital defect, conk, coo, corker, crackerjack, croak, cronk, crow, cuckoo, daisy, dandy, darb, defect, deficiency disease, deformity, degenerative disease, depart, die, dilly, disability, disease, disorder, display, distemper, double-dot display, down, dream, drop, drum, eagle, echo, echo signal, endemic, endemic disease, endocrine disease, epaulet, epidemic disease, flaxseed, foot-and-mouth disease, fruit, functional disease, fungus disease, gabble, gaggle, gapes, gastrointestinal disease, genetic disease, glanders, gobble, grain, guggle, handicap, hash mark, hayseed, heaves, hereditary disease, hog cholera, honey, honk, hoo, hoof-and-mouth disease, hoot, humdinger, hydrophobia, iatrogenic disease, illness, indisposition, infectious disease, infirmity, insignia of branch, kernel, kick in, kick off, killer-diller, knockout, linseed, liver rot, local oscillator signal, loco, loco disease, locoism, lollapaloosa, lulu, mad staggers, malady, malaise, malignant catarrh, malignant catarrhal fever, malignant pustule, mange, megrims, milzbrand, morbidity, morbus, muscular disease, neurological disease, nifty, nut, nutritional disease, oak leaf, occupational disease, organic disease, organization insignia, outdo, output signal, overseas bar, pandemic disease, parachute badge, paratuberculosis, pass away, patch, pathological condition, pathology, peach, peep, picture, pipe, pippin, pips, pit, plant disease, protozoan disease, pseudotuberculosis, psychosomatic disease, quack, quarter evil, rabies, radar signal, reading, reflection, respiratory disease, return, return signal, rinderpest, rockiness, roll, rot, scabies, scold, secondary disease, seed, seediness, service stripe, sheep rot, shoulder patch, shoulder sleeve insignia, sickishness, sickness, signal, signal display, signs, sing, splenic fever, spot, spread eagle, squawk, staggers, star, stone, stringhalt, stripe, submarine badge, sweetheart, swine dysentery, symptomatology, symptomology, symptoms, syndrome, target image, the nuts, the pip, trace, transmitter signal, trill, tweet, twit, twitter, urogenital disease, video signal, virus disease, warble, wasting disease, whistle, whiz, worm disease, worst