Meaning of SOUND in English

[sound] adj [ME, fr. OE gesund; akin to OHG gisunt healthy] (13c) 1 a: free from injury or disease: exhibiting normal health b: free from flaw, defect, or decay "~ timber"

2: solid, firm; also: stable 3 a: free from error, fallacy, or misapprehension "~ reasoning" b: exhibiting or based on thorough knowledge and experience "~ scholarship" c: legally valid "a ~ title" d: logically valid and having true premises e: agreeing with accepted views: orthodox

4. a: thorough b: deep and undisturbed "a ~ sleep" c: hard, severe "a ~ whipping"

5: showing good judgment or sense syn see healthy, valid -- adv -- sound.ness n

[2]sound adv (14c): to the full extent: thoroughly "~ asleep" [3]sound n [ME soun, fr. OF son, fr. L sonus, fr. sonare to sound; akin to OE swinn melody, Skt svanati it sounds] (13c) 1 a: a particular auditory impression: tone b: the sensation perceived by the sense of hearing c: mechanical radiant energy that is transmitted by longitudinal pressure waves in a material medium (as air) and is the objective cause of hearing

2. a: a speech sound "a peculiar r-sound" b: value in terms of speech sounds "-cher of teacher and -ture of creature have the same ~" 3 archaic: rumor, fame

4. a: meaningless noise b obs: meaning c: the impression conveyed: import

5: hearing distance: earshot

6: recorded auditory material 7: a particular musical style characteristic of an individual, a group, or an area "the Nashville ~" [4]sound vt (13c) 1 a: to cause to sound "~ a trumpet" b: pronounce 3a

2: to put into words: voice 3 a: to make known: proclaim b: to order, signal, or indicate by a sound "~ the alarm"

4: to examine by causing to emit sounds "~ the lungs"

5. chiefly Brit: to convey the impression of: sound like "that ~s a logical use of resources --Economist" ~ vi 1 a: to make a sound b: resound c: to give a summons by sound "the bugle ~s to battle"

2: to make or convey an impression esp. when heard "it ~s good to me" "you ~ just like your mother" -- adj [5]sound n [ME, fr. OE sund swimming, sea & ON sund swimming, strait; akin to OE swimman to swim] (14c) 1 a: a long broad inlet of the ocean generally parallel to the coast b: a long passage of water connecting two larger bodies (as a sea with the ocean) or separating a mainland and an island

2: the air bladder of a fish [6]sound vb [ME, fr. MF sonder, fr. sonde sounding line, prob. of Gmc origin; akin to OE sundline sounding line, sund sea] vt (15c) 1: to measure the depth of: fathom

2: to try to find out the views or intentions of: probe--often used with out

3: to explore or examine (a body cavity) with a sound ~ vi 1 a: to ascertain the depth of water esp. with a sounding line b: to look into or investigate the possibility "sent commissioners ... to ~ for peace --Thomas Jefferson"

2: to dive down suddenly--used of a fish or whale [7]sound n [F sonde, fr. MF, lit., sounding line] (1739): an elongated instrument for exploring or sounding body cavities

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