Meaning of SOUND in English

Synonyms and related words :

Christian, able to pay, accepted, adamantine, admissible, advantageous, advertise, all there, announce, annunciate, appear, appear like, appraise, appreciate, approved, arm, armlet, articulate, aspect, assay, assess, astute, auditory range, auspicious, authentic, authoritative, bagpipe, balanced, barometer, bay, bayou, be reflected, be sent back, beep, bell, belt, beneficial, benevolent, bight, binding, bitch, blare, blast, blat, blooming, blow, blow a horn, blow the horn, bluster, boca, bon, bonny, boom, bounce back, braw, bray, breathe, broadcast, bueno, bugle, bulky, bunkum, cacophony, calculable, calculate, calibrate, caliper, canonical, canvass, capital, carillon, carrying distance, cast the lead, characteristic, check a parameter, check out, chime, chink, chorus, clang, clangor, clank, clarion, clearheaded, clearminded, clink, cogent, come out with, commendable, commonsense, communicate, complain, complete, compos mentis, compute, conservative, consistent, conventional, convey, cool, coolheaded, correct, cove, credible, creek, cry out, customary, deep, deliver, delve into, dense, dependable, dial, dig into, din, ding, dingdong, disclose, disseminate, dive, divide, dong, doodle, double-tongue, down-to-earth, drop, durable, earreach, earshot, earthy, echo, echo back, effect, elegant, emit, emit a sound, enduring, entire, enunciate, estimable, estimate, estuary, euripus, evaluate, evangelical, examine, excellent, expedient, explore, express, fail-safe, fair, faithful, faithworthy, fall, famous, fast, fathom, favorable, feel, feel out, feeler, fiducial, fife, fine, fiord, firm, firm as Gibraltar, firth, fit, fjord, fling off, flute, fly a kite, formulate, frith, full, gauge, give, give expression, give out with, give tongue, give utterance, give voice, go into, gong, good, good for, goodly, graduate, grand, grumble, guaranteed, gulf, gut, hale, hale and hearty, harbor, hard, hardheaded, harmless, healthy, healthy-minded, hearing, heavy, helpful, honk, impart, imperturbable, impression, in equilibrium, in good condition, in good shape, indagate, infrangible, inlet, inquire of, intact, integral, investigate, invincible, invulnerable, jangle, jingle, jinglejangle, judicious, just, justifiable, kind, knell, kyle, lasting, laudable, lawful, legal, legitimate, let out, levelheaded, lip, literal, loch, logical, look, look into, look like, lucid, made of iron, make a noise, make a sound, make a sounding, massive, matter-of-fact, measure, mensurate, mentally sound, mete, meter, mouth, narrow, narrow seas, narrows, natural harbor, nice, noble, noise, normal, nose-dive, of sound mind, of the faith, orthodox, orthodoxical, out with, pace, parachute, peaceful, peal, peer into, perceptive, percipient, perfect, perspicacious, philosophical, phonate, phrase, pilot balloon, pipe, pitch, plausible, pleasant, plop, plumb, plumb the depths, plumb-line, plummet, plump, plunge, plunk, poke into, politic, poll, positivistic, pounce, pounce on, pounce upon, pour forth, practical, practical-minded, pragmatic, predictable, present, prize, probe, proclaim, profitable, promulgate, pronounce, proper, prudent, pry into, publish, put forth, put in words, quality, quantify, quantize, question, raise, random sample, range, rate, rational, reach, read, realist, realistic, reasonable, reasoning, rebound, received, reecho, regal, reliable, report, resemble, resonance, resonate, resound, responsible, return, reverberate, reverberation, right, right-minded, rigid, ring, ring changes, riskless, road, roads, roadstead, robust, roll, rosy, royal, ruddy, rugged, rumble, safe, sample, sane, sane-minded, say, scientific, scientistic, scriptural, search into, secular, secure, seem, seem like, seem to be, self-consistent, send back, sensible, set forth, shout out, shriek, sift, signal, size, size up, skillful, skin-dive, sky-dive, sling the lead, sober, sober-minded, solid, solvent, sonance, sound a knell, sound a tattoo, sound like, sound out, sound taps, sound-minded, sound-thinking, sounder, span, speak, splendid, squeal, stable, standard, staunch, steadfast, steady, step, stoop, stout, straight-thinking, strait, straits, straw vote, strong, sturdy, submerge, substantial, sufficient, sure, surefire, survey, swoop, swoop down, take a header, take a reading, take soundings, tell, test, textual, throw off, ting, tingle, tink, tinkle, tintinnabulate, together, toll, tone, tongue, toot, tootle, total, tough, traditional, traditionalistic, trial balloon, triangulate, triple-tongue, TRUE, true-blue, trumpet, trustworthy, trusty, tweedle, unbreakable, unbroken, undamaged, undangerous, undisturbed, unfailing, unflappable, unflinching, unhazardous, unideal, unidealistic, unimpaired, unindebted, uninjured, uninterrupted, unmarred, unperilous, unprecarious, unqualified, unrisky, unromantic, unscathed, unsentimental, unshakable, untroubled, unwavering, unyielding, useful, utter, valid, valuate, value, verbalize, very good, vibration, vigorous, virtuous, vituperate, vocalize, voice, warranteed, weather vane, weathercock, weigh, weighty, well, well-argued, well-balanced, well-built, well-constructed, well-founded, well-grounded, well-made, whisper, whistle, whole, wholesome, wind, wind the horn, wise, without nerves, word, yell out

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