[steam] n [ME stem, fr. OE steam; akin to D stoom steam] (bef. 12c) 1: a vapor arising from a heated substance
2. a: the invisible vapor into which water is converted when heated to the boiling point b: the mist formed by the condensation on cooling of water vapor 3 a: water vapor kept under pressure so as to supply energy for heating, cooking, or mechanical work; also: the power so generated b: active force: power, momentum "got there under his own ~" "sales began to pick up ~"; also: normal force "at full ~" c: pent-up emotional tension "needed to let off a little ~"
4. a: steamer 2a b: travel by or a trip in a steamer
[2]steam vt (15c) 1: to give out as fumes: exhale
2: to apply steam to; esp: to expose to the action of steam (as for softening or cooking) ~ vi 1: to rise or pass off as vapor
2: to give off steam or vapor 3 a: to move or travel by the agency of steam b: to move or proceed with energy or force
4: to be angry: boil "~ing over the insult"