[throw] vb threw ; thrown ; throw.ing [ME thrawen, throwen to cause to twist, throw, fr. OE thrawan to cause to twist or turn; akin to OHG draen to turn, L terere to rub, Gk tribein to rub, tetrainein to bore, pierce] vt (14c) 1 a: to propel through the air by a forward motion of the hand and arm "~ a baseball" b: to propel through the air in any manner "a rifle that can ~ a bullet a mile"
2. a: to cause to fall "threw his opponent" b: to cause to fall off: unseat "the horse threw its rider" c: to get the better of: overcome "the problem didn't ~ her" 3 a: to fling (oneself) precipitately "threw herself down on the sofa" b: to drive or impel violently: dash "the ship was thrown on a reef"
4. a (1): to put in a particular position or condition "threw her arms around him" (2): to put on or off hastily or carelessly "threw on a coat" b: to bring to bear: exert "threw all his efforts into the boy's defense" c: build, construct "threw a pontoon bridge over the river"
5: to form or shape on a potter's wheel
6: to deliver (a blow) in or as if in boxing 7: to twist two or more filaments of into a thread or yarn
8. a: to make a cast of (dice or a specified number on dice) b: roll 1a "~ a bowling ball" 9: to give up: abandon 10: to send forth: project "the setting sun threw long shadows" 11: to make (oneself) dependent: commit (oneself) for help, support, or protection "threw himself on the mercy of the court" 12: to indulge in: give way to "threw a temper tantrum" 13: to bring forth: give birth to: sire, produce "~s a good crop" "threw large litters" 14: to lose intentionally "~ a game" 15: to move (a lever) so as to connect or disconnect parts of a clutch or switch; also: to make or break (a connection) with a lever 16: to give by way of entertainment "~ a party" ~ vi: cast, hurl -- throw.er n -- throw one's weight around or throw one's weight about : to exercise influence or authority esp. to an excessive degree or in an objectionable manner -- throw together 1: to put together in a hurried and usu. careless manner "a bookshelf hastily thrown together"
2: to bring into casual association "different kinds of people are thrown together --Richard Sennett" syn throw, cast, toss, fling, hurl, pitch, sling mean to cause to move swiftly through space by a propulsive movement or a propelling force. throw is general and interchangeable with the other terms but may specif. imply a distinctive motion with bent arm "can throw a fastball and a curve". cast usu. implies lightness in the thing thrown and sometimes a scattering "cast it to the winds". toss suggests a light or careless or aimless throwing and may imply an upward motion "tossed the coat on the bed". fling stresses a violent throwing "flung the ring back in his face". hurl implies power as in throwing a massive weight "hurled himself at the intruder". pitch suggests throwing carefully at a target "pitch horseshoes". sling stresses either the use of whirling momentum in throwing or directness of aim "slung the bag over his shoulder".
[2]throw n (1530) 1 a: an act of throwing, hurling, or flinging b (1): an act of throwing dice (2): the number thrown with a cast of dice c: a method of throwing an opponent in wrestling or judo
2: the distance a missile may be thrown or light rays may be projected
3: an undertaking involving chance or danger: risk, venture
4: the amount of vertical displacement produced by a geological fault
5. a: the extreme movement given to a pivoted or reciprocating piece by a cam, crank, or eccentric: stroke b: the length of the radius of a crank or the virtual crank radius of an eccentric or cam
6. a: a light coverlet (as for a bed) b: a woman's scarf or light wrap -- a throw : for each one: apiece "copies are to be sold at $5 a throw --Harvey Breit"