I. ˈlärj adjective
( larg·er ; larg·est )
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, broad, wide, generous, from Latin largus generous, plentiful
Date: 12th century
1. obsolete : lavish
2. obsolete
a. : ample , abundant
b. : extensive , broad
a. : having more than usual capacity or scope : comprehensive
take the large view
will take a larger role in the negotiations
b. : powerful , forceful
c. : very successful or popular
a large rock band
a. : exceeding most other things of like kind especially in quantity or size : big
b. : dealing in great numbers or quantities
a large and highly profitable business
5. obsolete
a. of language or expression : coarse , vulgar
b. : lax in conduct : loose
6. of a wind : favorable
7. : extravagant , boastful
large talk
• large·ness noun
• larg·ish ˈlär-jish adjective
II. adverb
Date: 14th century
1. obsolete : in abundance : amply , liberally
2. : with the wind abaft the beam
3. : in a large manner : extravagantly
living large
III. noun
Date: 14th century
1. obsolete : liberality , generosity
2. slang : a thousand dollars
- at large
- in the large