transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈma-nər ]
Etymology: Middle English manere, from Anglo-French, from Vulgar Latin * manuaria, from Latin, feminine of manuarius of the hand, from manus hand — more at manual
Date: 12th century
a. : kind , sort
what manner of man is he
b. : kinds, sorts
all manner of problems
(1) : a characteristic or customary mode of acting : custom
(2) : a mode of procedure or way of acting : fashion
(3) : method of artistic execution or mode of presentation : style
b. plural : social conduct or rules of conduct as shown in the prevalent customs
Victorian manner s
c. : characteristic or distinctive bearing, air, or deportment
his poised gracious manner
d. plural
(1) : habitual conduct or deportment : behavior
mind your manner s
(2) : good manners
e. : a distinguished or stylish air
Synonyms: see bearing , method
• man·ner·less -ləs adjective
- to the manner born