Synonyms and related words :
MO, action, actions, activity, acts, address, affectation, affectedness, air, algorithm, amenities, angle, appearance, approach, area, aspect, attack, attitude, bag, bearing, behavior, behavior pattern, behavioral norm, behavioral science, blood, bon ton, brand, breed, carriage, cast, ceremony, character, civility, clan, color, command of language, complexion, comportment, conduct, configuration, conformity, consuetude, convention, course, culture pattern, cup of tea, custom, decorum, demeanor, denomination, deportment, description, designation, doing, doings, effect, eidolon, established way, etiquette, exaggeration, expression of ideas, exteriority, externality, externalness, extrinsicality, facet, fashion, feather, feature, feeling for words, field, figure, folkway, foreignness, form, form of speech, formalities, forte, genre, genus, gestalt, gestures, goings-on, good form, grace of expression, grain, grandiloquence, guise, habit, habitude, idiosyncrasy, ilk, image, imago, impression, inflation, kidney, kin, kind, label, light, likeness, line, line of action, lineaments, lines, literary style, long suit, look, lot, main interest, maintien, make, manner of speaking, manner of working, mannerism, manners, mark, means, method, methodology, methods, metier, mien, mode, mode of expression, mode of operation, mode of procedure, modus, modus operandi, modus vivendi, mold, mores, motions, movements, moves, nature, niceties, number, observable behavior, observance, openness, order, outerness, outward appearance, outwardness, pattern, peculiarity, personal style, persuasion, pet subject, phase, phasis, phylum, poise, politeness, politesse, port, pose, posture, practice, praxis, prescription, presence, procedure, proceeding, process, proper thing, proprieties, protocol, pursuit, race, reference, regard, respect, rhetoric, ritual, routine, seeming, semblance, sense of language, shallowness, shape, side, simulacrum, slant, social code, social convention, social graces, social science, sort, specialism, speciality, specialization, specialty, species, stamp, standard behavior, standard usage, standing custom, strain, stripe, strong point, style, stylistic analysis, stylistics, superficiality, system, tack, tactics, technicality, technique, tenor, the drill, the grand style, the how, the like of, the likes of, the plain style, the sublime, the way of, thing, time-honored practice, tone, total effect, tradition, tribe, trick, turn, twist, type, usage, use, variety, vein, view, viewpoint, vocation, way, way of life, ways, weakness, what is done, wise, wont, wonting