Meaning of MANNER in English

I. ˈmanə(r) noun

( -s )

Etymology: Middle English manere, from Old French maniere, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin manuaria, from feminine of Late Latin manuarius of the hand, from Latin manus hand + -arius -ary — more at manual


a. : kind , sort

what manner of man is he

what manner of train had borne him homeward — Ben Riker

b. : kinds , sorts — now used in the phrase all manner of

observed all manner of important people — Oscar Handlin

picked up all manner of more or less useful information — J.B.Benefield

c. obsolete : nature , character , condition — used in the phrase the manner of

the manner of their work and weary pain — Edmund Spenser



(1) : a characteristic or customary mode of acting : natural or normal behavior : habit , usage , custom

stopped to speak, after the manner of the country — Ellen Glasgow

spoke to all the children, as was his manner

(2) : the mode or method in which something is done or happens : a mode of procedure or way of acting : way , mode , fashion

the manner of entering the water … is important — John Tassos

responded in a lively manner

the manner in which traits are transmitted

in a haphazard and very far from complete manner — R.W.Steel

(3) : method of artistic execution or mode of presentation especially as distinguished from the matter presented : style , form

examples of several earlier manners — Times Literary Supplement

offers plenty of room for many jazz manners — Wilder Hobson

(4) : a method or style characterizing a period or phase of an artist's work

a group of pictures done in his early manner

(5) : a character that marks an artist's work as uniquely his own : a distinctive or personal character, quality, or tone

style belongs to the age, his manner to the poet — J.P.Bishop

manner has been replaced by style — R.B.West

a manner of her own — Henry Reed b.1914


(1) manners plural , archaic : the habitual conduct or moral character of a person

(2) manners plural : social conduct or rules of conduct as shown in the prevalent customs : social conditions : mode of life

the brutal manners of an age given to bear-baiting and similar amusements

the novel is a study in the manners of a class

specifically : the morality of a time as reflected in its prevalent customs or social practices

the licentious manners of a corrupt society

(3) manners plural , archaic : good customs or mode of life


(1) : characteristic or distinctive bearing, air, or deportment

had … manner as distinct from manners — a certain poise, genial but always extremely self-possessed — Joyce Cary

(2) manners plural : habitual conduct or deportment in social intercourse evaluated according to some conventional standard of politeness or civility : behavior

never guilty of bad manners

watch your manners

(3) manners plural : good manners

it wouldn't have been manners — Ruth Park

(4) of an animal : action , deportment — usually used in plural

the dog pointed with excellent manners

(5) manners plural , archaic : forms of courtesy or respect — usually used in the phrase to make one's manners

made their manners to the squire — S.H.Adams

(6) : a distinguished or stylish air

taught to acquire a manner suitable to her station

Synonyms: see method

- by any manner of means

- in a manner

- to the manner born


variant of mainour

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.