I. ˈstrēk noun
Etymology: Middle English streke, from Old English strica; akin to Old High German strich line, Latin striga row — more at strike
Date: before 12th century
1. : a line or mark of a different color or texture from the ground : stripe
a. : the color of the fine powder of a mineral obtained by scratching or rubbing against a hard white surface and constituting an important distinguishing character
b. : inoculum implanted in a line on a solid medium
c. : any of numerous virus diseases of plants (as tobacco and maize) resembling mosaic but usually producing at least some linear markings
a. : a narrow band of light
b. : a lightning bolt
a. : a slight admixture : trace
had a mean streak in him
b. : a brief run (as of luck)
c. : a consecutive series
was on a winning streak
5. : a narrow layer (as of fat)
6. : an act or instance of streaking
II. verb
Date: 1576
transitive verb
: to make streaks on or in
tears streak ing her face
intransitive verb
1. : to move swiftly : rush
a jet streak ing across the sky
2. : to have a streak (as of winning or outstanding performances)
3. : to run naked through a public place
• streak·er noun