Synonyms and related words :
Machiavellian, Machiavellic, acute, apse, arc, arcade, arcature, arch over, arched roof, archway, artful, astute, banner, bantam, barrow, basket-handle arch, bend, bend back, bestraddle, bestride, bold, boundary stone, bow, brass, bridge, bust, cagey, cairn, camber, canny, capital, cardinal, ceilinged roof, cenotaph, central, champion, cheeky, chief, clever, clubfoot, cocky, column, concameration, concha, conspicuous, consummate, coquettish, cove, coy, crafty, cromlech, crook, cross, crowning, cunning, cup, cupola, curl, curvation, curvature, curve, cute, cyclolith, deceitful, decurve, deep, deep-laid, deflect, derisive, designing, devilish, digit, diplomatic, dog, dolmen, dome, dominant, elfish, elvish, embow, extend over, extraordinary, extreme, extremity, feline, fetlock, first, flex, flippant, focal, foolish, foot, footstone, forefoot, foremost, forepaw, foxy, fresh, full of mischief, geodesic dome, grave, gravestone, great, greatest, guileful, hang over, harefoot, head, headmost, headstone, heel, hegemonic, high-spirited, hoarstone, hoof, hook, hump, hunch, igloo, imbricate, impish, incurvate, incurve, inflect, ingenious, inscription, insidious, instep, inventive, jut, keystone, knavish, knowing, lap, lap over, leading, lie over, loop, magisterial, main, major, malapert, marker, master, mausoleum, megalith, memento, memorial, memorial arch, memorial column, memorial statue, memorial stone, menhir, mischief-loving, mischievous, mocking, monolith, monument, mound, necrology, notable, noteworthy, obelisk, obituary, ogive, overarch, overhang, overlap, overlie, override, overruling, pad, paramount, pastern, patte, paw, pawky, pedal extremity, pedes, pert, pes, pied, pillar, plaque, playful, politic, prankish, pranksome, pranky, predominant, preeminent, premier, preponderant, prevailing, primal, primary, prime, principal, prize, puckish, pug, pyramid, ranking, ready, recurve, reflect, reflex, reliquary, remembrance, resourceful, retroflex, ribbon, roguish, rostral column, round, ruling, sag, saucy, scampish, scapegrace, scheming, serpentine, shaft, sharp, shifty, shingle, shrewd, shrine, skewback, slick, slippery, sly, smooth, snaky, sneaky, sole, sophistical, sovereign, span, splayfoot, sportive, star, stealthy, stela, stellar, stone, strategic, stupa, subtile, subtle, supereminent, supple, swag, sweep, tablet, tactical, testimonial, toe, tomb, tombstone, tootsy, tope, topflight, trefoil arch, trickish, tricksy, tricky, trophy, trotter, turn, twitting, ungula, vault, vaulting, voussoir, vulpine, waggish, wary, wily, wind,