Synonyms and related words :
Bible truth, Smyth sewing, abessive, ablative, absolute fact, accepted fact, accusative, action, actual fact, adessive, admitted fact, afghan, alien, allative, ammunition box, anyhow, anyway, apoplectic, approximative, argument, argumentum, ark, arthritic, article, ascender, aspect, at all events, attache case, axiom, back, backing, bag, bald fact, bandolier, bare fact, bark, barrel, basis, basket, bastard type, beard, bearings, bed linen, bedclothes, bedcover, bedding, bedsheet, bedspread, belly, bevel, bibliopegy, billfold, bin, binder board, binding, black letter, blanket, body, book cloth, book cover, book jacket, bookbinding, bookcase, boot, bottle, box, box up, bran, briefcase, brutal fact, buffalo robe, bug, bunker, burden, cadre, caisson, calf love, can, canister, canvass, cap, capital, capsula, capsule, cardcase, carton, case in point, casemaking, casement, casing, casing-in, cask, casket, cause, cause in court, cedar chest, chaff, chapter, character, chassis, check over, check up, chest, cigarette case, circumstance, cist, citation, clothes, coffer, coffin, cold fact, collating, collating mark, come what may, comfort, comforter, common case, compact, con, conceded fact, concern, condition, cone, cons, consideration, consumptive, container, containerize, contour sheet, corn shuck, cornhusk, count, counter, counterpane, cover, covering, coverlet, coverlid, crackpot, crank, crate, crib, cross reference, crush, dative, datum, delative, demonstrable fact, demonstration, descender, detail, dinkum oil, dispatch box, dispute, doorframe, duck, dust cover, dust jacket, dyspeptic, eccentric, eiderdown, elative, element, elenchus, em, emblem, embox, embrace, empirical fact, en, encapsulate, encase, encasement, encyst, enfold, enshroud, envelop, envelope, enwrap, epileptic, episode, essence, essive, established fact, estate, etui, event, eventuality, examine, example, exemplar, exemplification, explanation, exponent, fabric, face, facet, fact, fact of experience, factor, fanatic, fat-faced type, feet, file, file folder, filing box, fitted sheet, fix, focus of attention, focus of interest, folding, folio, font, footband, footing, for fear of, for fear that, frame, framework, framing, gathering, genitive, gist, given fact, gluing-off, gospel, gospel truth, groove, hamper, happening, hard binding, hard fact, head, headband, heading, hermit, hobo, holder, holster, hope chest, housewife, how it is, how things are, hull, husk, hussy, hutch, if, ignoratio elenchi, illative, illustration, in any case, in any event, in case, incident, incidental, incurable, indisputable fact, inescapable fact, inessive, infatuation, inpatient, inspect, instance, instrumental, invalid, invest, issue, italic, item, jacket, jam, jar, judicial process, kit, kook, lap, lap robe, lative, lattice, latticework, lawsuit, legal action, legal case, legal proceedings, legal process, legal remedy, lest, letter, letter file, library binding, ligature, like it is, linen, lining, lining-up, litigation, living issue, local case, location, locative, logotype, lone wolf, loner, lot, lower case, main point, majuscule, make a reconnaissance, mash, matter, matter in hand, matter of fact, maverick, meat, mechanical binding, meshuggenah, minor detail, minuscule, minutia, minutiae, modality, mode, monstrance, motif, motive, naked fact, natural, nick, niggerhead, nominative, nonconformist, not guesswork, not opinion, nut, object lesson, objective case, oblique case, occasion, occurrence, odd fellow, oddball, oddity, order, original, ostensorium, outpatient, outsider, pack, package, packet, packing case, palea, parcel, pariah, particular, pash, pass, passing fancy, patchwork quilt, patient, peel, peep, perfect binding, perlative, pi, pica, pickle, picture frame, pillbox, pillow slip, pillowcase, place, plaidoyer, plain, plastic binding, play the spy, plea, pleading, plight, pod, point, point at issue, point in question, portfolio, position, positive fact, possessive case, postulate, posture, pot, powder box, predicament, prepositional, print, problem, proceedings, pros, pros and cons, prosecution, protection, provable fact, puppy love, put under surveillance, queer duck, queer fish, queer specimen, question, quilt, quiver, quiz, quotation, rack, rank, rara avis, reason, receptacle, reconnoiter, reference, refutation, regard, relevant instance, reliquary, repair, representative, respect, revealed truth, rheumatic, rind, robe, roman, rounding, rubric, rug, sack, saddle stitching, salient fact, sample, sampling, sans serif, sarcophagus, sash, scabbard, scout, scout out, screwball, script, self-evident fact, sewing, shank, shape, sheath, sheathe, sheathing, sheet, sheeting, shell, shoulder, shroud, shuck, shut-in, sick person, side sewing, signature, significant fact, simple fact, situation, skeleton, skin, skippet, slip, slipcase, slipcover, slough, small cap, small capital, smashing, smother, snuffbox, sober fact, socket, soft binding, solitary, spastic, special pleading, specimen, spectacle case, spiral binding, spook, spot, spread, spy, spy out, stake out, stamp, stamping, standing, stapling, state, station, status, stem, stubborn fact, study, subject, subject case, subject matter, subject of thought, sublative, sufferer, suit, suit at law, suitcase, superessive, surround, swaddle, swathe, symbol, tailband, talking point, tank, tea chest, terminal case, terminative, text, the absolute truth, the case, the exact truth, the hard truth, the honest truth, the intrinsic truth, the naked truth, the nitty-gritty, the plain truth, the sick, the simple truth, the sober truth, the stern truth, the truth, the unalloyed truth, the unqualified truth, the unvarnished truth, theme, thing, till, tin, tinderbox, tipping, topic, tramp, translative, trimming, trunk, type, type body, type class, type lice, typecase, typeface, typefounders, typefoundry, typical example, undeniable fact, upper case, valetudinarian, vanity case, vasculum, vet, victim, view, vocative, wallet, watch, well-known fact, window case, window frame, wire stitching, wrap, wrap about, wrap up, wrapper, zealot, zombie