Synonyms and related words :
apostacize, apostatize, autopsy, battologize, be blooded, be successful, bolt, bone, break away, canvass, catch on, change sides, check, check out, check over, check up on, click, come off, con, connect, contemplate, course, cover, cross-examine, cross-interrogate, cross-question, defect, desert, dig, do, drill, elucubrate, examine, extract information, fall away, fall off, farewell, fill, give an encore, give an examination, go, go great guns, go off, go over big, go through, go to town, graduate, grill, grind, inquisition, inspect, iterate, look at, look over, lucubrate, make a hit, make inquisition, measure, meet with success, monitor, observe, overhaul, overlook, overpass, pad, pan out, pass, pass over, pass through, pass under review, patrol, peer at, perambulate, peregrinate, pererrate, peruse, plunge into, ply, pore over, postmortem, practice, prevail, prosper, prove out, pry out, qualify, range, range over, read, reaffirm, reassert, recapitulate, recite, reconnoiter, recount, regard studiously, rehash, rehearse, reissue, reiterate, reprint, restate, restudy, resume, retail, retell, review, reword, roast, run over, run through, say over, say over again, scan, scour, scour the country, scout, scrutinize, secede, set an examination, size, size up, study, succeed, sum up, summarize, survey, sweep, switch, switch over, swot, take, take stock of, take the measure, tautologize, third-degree, track, transit, travel over, travel through, traverse, turn cloak, vet, voyage, wade through, work well, work wonders