Meaning of GO OVER in English

{v.} 1. To examine; think about or look at carefully. * /The teacher went over the list and picked John's name./ * /The police went over the gun for fingerprints./ 2. To repeat; do again. * /Don't make me go all over it again./ * /We painted the house once, then we went over it again./ 3. To read again; study. * /After you finish the test, go over it again to look for mistakes./ * /They went over their lessons together at night./ 4. To cross; go to stop or visit; travel. * /We went over to the other side of the street./ * /I'm going over to Mary's house./ * /We went over to the next town to the game./ 5. To change what you believe. * /Father is a Democrat, but he says that he is going over to the Republicans in the next election./ * /Many of the natives on the island went over to Christianity after the white men came./ 6. To be liked; succeed. - Often used in the informal phrase "go over big". * /Bill's joke went over big with the other boys and girls./ * /Your idea went over well with the boss./

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