Synonyms and related words :
Agnus Dei, Communion, Eucharist, Holy Communion, Holy Grail, Last Supper, Pieta, Sacrament Sunday, Sanctus bell, Sangraal, altar bread, ark, asperger, asperges, aspergillum, bambino, beadroll, beads, bread, bread and wine, candle, censer, chaplet, ciborium, consecrated bread, consecrated elements, consubstantiation, cross, crucifix, cruet, elements, eucharistial, holy cross, holy water, holy-water sprinkler, icon, impanation, incensory, intinction, loaf, matzo, menorah, mezuzah, mikvah, monstrance, osculatory, ostensorium, paschal candle, pax, phylacteries, prayer shawl, prayer wheel, pyx, real presence, relics, rood, rosary, sacramental, sacred relics, sacring bell, shofar, subpanation, sukkah, tabernacle, tallith, the Holy Sacrament, the Sacrament, thurible, transubstantiation, urceole, veronica, vigil light, votive candle, wafer