Synonyms and related words :
Brownian movement, about-face, abysm, abyss, acceptance, access, acciaccatura, accomplished fact, accomplishment, achievement, act, acta, action, adit, adoption, advance, advancement, advancing, adventure, air lock, aisle, alchemy, alley, allowance, alteration, ambulatory, anacrusis, angular motion, aperture, appoggiatura, approach, approval, arabesque, arcade, areaway, arrangements, arroyo, artery, article, ascending, ascent, assimilation, assumption, authorization, avenue, axial motion, back matter, backflowing, backing, backward motion, bass passage, becoming, blow, book, bourdon, box canyon, breach, break, breezeway, bridge, burden, cadence, cadenza, canto, canyon, career, cavity, change, change-over, channel, chap, chapter, chasm, check, chimney, chink, chorus, citation, clause, cleft, cleuch, climbing, cloister, clough, coda, col, colonnade, coloratura, column, commerce, communication, commutation, concurrent resolution, conduction, conduit, connection, constitution, contagion, convection, conversion, corridor, coulee, couloir, coup, course, covered way, crack, cranny, crevasse, crevice, crossing, cruise, current, cut, cwm, dealing, dealings, deed, defile, delivery, dell, deportation, descending, descent, development, diapedesis, diffusion, dike, dissemination, ditch, division, doing, doings, donga, downward motion, draw, drift, driftage, duct, ebbing, effort, egress, elapse, embellishment, emigration, enaction, enactment, endeavor, endorsement, endorsing, enterprise, entrance, entranceway, entry, entryway, excavation, excerpt, excerption, exchange, exit, expatriation, exploit, export, exportation, exposition, expulsion, extract, extraction, extradition, facilities, fait accompli, fascicle, fault, feat, ferry, figure, fioritura, fissure, flaw, flight, flip-flop, flourish, flow, flume, flux, folderol, folio, ford, forward motion, forwardal, forwarding, foyer, fracture, freedom, front matter, furrow, furtherance, furthering, gallery, gangplank, gangway, gap, gape, gash, gathering, gest, globe-trotting, go, go-ahead, going, grace, grace note, groove, growth, gulch, gulf, gully, hall, hallway, hand, handiwork, harmonic close, headway, hole, immigration, import, importation, in, in-migration, incidental, incidental note, incision, ingress, inlet, installment, intake, interchange, interlude, intermezzo, intermigration, intersection, introductory phrase, job, joint, joint resolution, journey, journeying, junction, kloof, lane, lapse, lawmaking, leak, leg, legalization, legislation, legislature, legitimatization, legitimization, liberty, line, livraison, lobby, locomotion, loggia, long mordent, maneuver, march, means of access, measure, metastasis, metathesis, metempsychosis, migration, moat, mordent, motion, mounting, move, movement, moving, musical phrase, musical sentence, mutation, mutual transfer, naturalization, notch, nullah, number, oblique motion, ocean trip, ongoing, onrush, onward course, opening, operation, ordainment, orifice, ornament, osmosis, out-migration, outlet, overpass, overt act, page, paragraph, part, pass, passageway, passing, passing over, path, performance, perfusion, pergola, period, peristyle, permission, phrase, plunging, portico, portion, pralltriller, privilege, proceeding, production, progress, progression, progressiveness, promotion, quotation, radial motion, railroad tunnel, random motion, ratification, ravine, re-formation, reconversion, reduction, reflowing, refluence, reflux, refrain, regression, remigration, rent, res gestae, resolution, response, retrogression, reversal, rift, rime, rising, ritornello, road, rolling, rolling on, roulade, route, run, rupture, rush, sail, sanction, scissure, sea trip, seam, section, selected passage, selection, sentence, serial, set, shakedown cruise, sheet, shift, shipment, shipping, sideward motion, signature, single mordent, sinking, slit, slot, soaring, split, spread, spreading, stanza, statement, step, sternway, strain, stream, stroke, stunt, subsiding, swarm, swarming, switch, switch-over, tailpiece, text, thing, thing done, thoroughfare, tour de force, tourism, touristry, trade, traffic, trafficking, traject, trajet, transaction, transduction, transfer, transfer of property, transference, transformation, transfusion, transit, transition, translation, translocation, transmigration, transmigration of souls, transmission, transmittal, transmittance, transplacement, transplantation, transposal, transposition, travel, traveling, traversal, traverse, trek, trench, trend, trip, trough, troughing, troughway, tunnel, turn, turning into, tutti, tutti passage, underpass, undertaking, upward motion, valley, variation, verse, vestibule, visa, void, volte-face, volume, voyage, wadi, way, way in, work, works