Synonyms and related words :
adviser, ambition, announcer, annunciator, antecedent, aspiration, author, authority, authorship, basis, begetter, beginning, birthplace, bonanza, calling, cause, channel, commencement, communicant, communicator, conception, consideration, cornucopia, creator, dawn, dawning, derivation, determinant, documentation, enlightener, expert witness, font, fount, fountain, fountainhead, genesis, goal, gold mine, gossipmonger, grapevine, grass roots, ground, guiding light, guiding star, head, headstream, headwater, headwaters, ideal, inception, informant, information center, information medium, informer, inspiration, intention, interviewee, lode, lodestar, mainspring, matter, mine, monitor, mother, motive, mouthpiece, newsmonger, notifier, onset, opening, origin, original, origination, originator, outset, parent, paternity, press, principle, provenance, provenience, public relations officer, publisher, quarry, radical, radio, radix, reason, reporter, resource, rise, rising, riverhead, root, roots, rootstock, sake, score, source of supply, spokesman, spring, staple, start, starting, stem, stock, taproot, television, teller, tipster, tout, ulterior motive, vein, vocation, well, wellhead, wellspring, whence, witness