I. ˈsō(ə)rs, ˈsȯ(ə)rs, ˈsōəs, ˈsȯ(ə)s noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English sours, from Middle French sors, from Old French, past participle of sordre, sourdre to spring forth, rise, from Latin surgere to raise, rise — more at surge
a. : the point of origin of a stream of water : fountainhead
followed it from its source high in the mountains to its calmer reaches — London Calling
b. archaic : a natural spring or reservoir : fount
seven aqueducts brought water from distant sources to Rome — Charles Merivale
(1) : a generative force or stimulus : cause , instigator
reliance on local initiative … has always been a source of strength to American educational institutions — R.H.Wittcoff
in almost all cases, the psychological source of cruel doctrines is fear — Bertrand Russell
hills … are a source of scenic and recreational attraction — American Guide Series: Texas
(2) usually capitalized : ultimate reality : god
felt close to the Source of all that is beautiful and true — Anna Kunz
(1) : a point of origin or procurement : fountain , supplier
brings us back to … the source of all significant artistic and intellectual effort — the struggles, aspirations, joys and sorrows of human beings — Irish Digest
the principal source of the state's road funds was motor-vehicle fees — American Guide Series: Michigan
dried skim milk is a good source of protein for hogs — Deerfield (Wis.) Independent
(2) : one that initiates or serves as a prototype : author , model
the source of this fresh modern outlook is the prime minister — William Clark
documenting … heavily the writer's sources and his rational intentions — A.J.Guérard
(3) : one that supplies information
sources close to the chief executive report he is planning to request the Legislature to approve state purchase — E.M.Mills
c. archaic : genealogical lineage : ancestry
traced his source through the most Gothic gentlemen of Spain — Lord Byron
d. : a point of emanation
it is desirable to have the light source accurately located — Terrell Croft
3. : a firsthand document or primary reference work
extensive work in the sources — official records, manuscripts, letters, diaries, old books, newspapers — W.G.Carleton
Synonyms: see origin
II. verb
( -ed/-ing/-s )
: originate
III. noun
: an electrode in a field-effect transistor that supplies the charge carriers for current flow — compare drain herein gate herein
IV. verb
transitive verb
1. : to obtain from a source
metals sourced from outside the United States
2. : to specify the source of (as information)
intransitive verb
: to document sources
V. ˈsō(ə)rs, ˈsȯ(ə)rs, ˈsōəs, ˈsȯ(ə)s adjective
Etymology: source (I)
: of, relating to, or being source code
source listing