Meaning of SPREAD in English

Synonyms and related words :

aberrate, aberration, accelerated, access, accessible, accession, accretion, accrual, accrue, accruement, accumbent, accumulate, accumulation, acreage, addition, adjunct, advance, advertise, affirmed, afghan, aggrandized, aggrandizement, air, airing, ampliation, amplification, amplified, amplitude, announce, announced, apply, appreciate, appreciation, area, ascent, assign, attenuation, augmentation, augmented, balloon, ballooning, bandying, banner, banner head, banquet, barbecue, beam, become public, bed linen, bedaub, bedclothes, bedcover, bedding, bedsheet, bedspread, beefed-up, besmear, bestrew, bigness, blanket, bloat, bloated, bloating, board, body, book, boom, boost, boosted, boundaries, boundary, bounds, branch, branch out, bread, bread and butter, breadth, break, breed, broach, broadcast, broadcasting, broaden, broadened, broadening, broadness, brought to notice, bruit about, bruiting, bruiting about, buffalo robe, buildup, bulk, butter, buzz about, caliber, call, caption, carry, carry over, case, centrifugence, cheer, chink, circulate, circulated, circulation, circumfuse, circumfusion, cleave, cloak, clothes, coat, come forth, come out, comestibles, comfort, comforter, common knowledge, common property, communicate, communication, compass, conduction, confiture, conserve, consign, contagion, contour sheet, convection, couchant, couche, counterpane, cover, coverage, coverlet, coverlid, crack, crawling, creature comfort, crescendo, crevasse, cuisine, current, cut, cut open, dab, daily bread, daub, deal, deal in generalities, deal out, decentralization, declared, decumbent, deepen, deepened, deliver, delivery, deltoid, deploy, deployment, deport, deportation, depth, develop, developing, development, deviation, diameter, diapedesis, difference, diffract, diffraction, diffuse, diffused, diffusion, dilution, dimension, dimensions, dinner, discrete, dispart, dispel, dispensation, dispense, dispersal, disperse, dispersed, dispersion, display, dispread, disseminate, disseminated, dissemination, dissipate, dissipated, dissipation, distance, distance across, distribute, distributed, distribution, divaricate, divarication, diverge, divergence, divergency, divide, division, drag out, draped, draw out, drop head, dropline, eatables, ecumenicize, edema, edibles, eiderdown, elevated, elevation, emanate, emptiness, empty space, enamel, encompass, enhanced, enlarge, enlarged, enlargement, enlarging, entertainment, environ, epigraph, evaporation, evulgation, expand, expanded, expanding, expanse, expansion, expel, export, exportation, expulsion, extend, extended, extending, extension, extent, extradite, extradition, fan, fan out, fan-shape, fan-shaped, fanlike, fanned, fanning, fanning out, fare, farm, fast food, feast, feed, field, find vent, fissure, fitted sheet, flabelliform, flare, flared, flaring, flat, flood, fly about, fly open, food, food and drink, foodstuff, fragmentation, fullness, gain, gain strength, galactic space, gauge, generalize, get about, get abroad, get afloat, get ahead, get around, get exposure, gild, girth, glaze, globalize, gloss, go, go about, go away, go forth, go off, go out, go the rounds, go up, greatening, greatness, groveling, grow, growth, gush, hand forward, hand on, hand over, hanger, have currency, head, heading, headline, health food, height, heightened, herald, hike, hiked, hiking, hold, holding, homestead, impart, import, importation, in circulation, in print, incise, increase, increased, increasing, increment, infinite space, inflated, inflation, ingesta, intensified, intensify, interchange, interstellar space, issuance, issue, jam, jazzed up, jelly, jump, jump head, junk food, kitchen stuff, lacquer, landholding, lap robe, largeness, latitude, lay, lay on, lay open, lay out, layer, leap, legend, length, lie, limits, linen, lolling, lounging, lying, made public, magnification, magnified, magnitude, make a generalization, make known, make over, make public, mantle, margarine, mass, meal, measure, measurement, meat, mess, metastasis, metastasize, metathesis, metathesize, metempsychosis, migration, motto, mount, mounting, multiplication, multiplied, multiply, mushroom, mushrooming, mutual transfer, nothingness, oleo, ope, open, open up, osmosis, outer space, outspread, outstretch, outstretched, overgrow, overlay, overline, overrun, overscatter, oversow, overspread, paint, part, pass, pass on, pass over, pass the buck, passage, passing over, paste, patchwork quilt, patulous, peddle, peppering, perfuse, perfusion, periodical, pillow slip, pillowcase, place, plantation, plaster, plate, preserve, prime, printing, proclaimed, procumbent, productiveness, profusion, proliferate, proliferated, proliferating, proliferation, prolong, promulgate, promulgation, prone, pronounce, propagate, propagated, propagation, property, proportion, proportions, prostrate, protract, provender, provision, public, publication, publicize, publish, published, publishing, push, put, put and call, put apart, put out, quilt, radiate, radiation, radius, raise, raised, raising, ramify, ranch, range, ray, reach, reach out, recite, reclining, recumbent, refection, refreshment, regale, regalement, reinforced, relay, rent, repas, repast, repeat, reported, reposing, resupine, retail, rift, right, rip, rise, rive, robe, rub, rubric, rug, run, run up, running head, running title, scale, scarehead, scatter, scattered, scattering, scatterment, scope, screamer, see the light, separate, separation, set, shed, sheet, sheeting, shoot up, shotgun pattern, size, slap on, slather, slip, slit, smear, smear on, smooth, snowball, snowballing, sow, sow broadcast, sowing, space, span, sparse, spatial extension, spattering, sphere, splay, splayed, splaying, split, sporadic, spraddle, spraddled, spraddling, sprangle, sprangled, sprangling, sprawl, sprawled, sprawling, sprawly, spread about, spread like wildfire, spread on, spread out, spread with, spreadhead, spreading, spreading abroad, spreading out, spring open, sprinkling, stated, stiffened, stock option, straddle, straggling, straggly, strap, streamer, strengthen, strengthened, stretch, stretch out, stretched-out, strew, strewing, strewn, strip, strown, subhead, subheading, subtitle, superficial extension, superscription, supine, surface, surge, surround, sustenance, swaddle, sweep, swell, swelling, swing open, switch, swollen, table, take in, tap, tar, tear, tear open, telecast, telecasting, televise, televised, throw, throw open, thrust out, tightened, title, title page, tract, transduction, transfer, transfer of property, transfer property, transference, transfuse, transfusion, transit, transition, translate, translation, translocate, translocation, transmigration, transmigration of souls, transmission, transmit, transmittal, transmittance, transplace, transplacement, transplant, transplantation, transposal, transpose, transposition, travel, treat, trumpet, tucker, tumescence, turn over, undercoat, unfold, unfolded, unfurl, universalize, unroll, up, upping, upsurge, upswing, uptrend, upturn, utter, varnish, vastness, ventilation, viands, victuals, vittles, void, volatilization, volume, wash, wax, waxing, wide-open, widen, widened, wideness, widening, widespread, width, wrap

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