Synonyms and related words :
American Indian, Amerind, Australian aborigine, Bourbon, Bushman, Caucasian, Chinese white, Indian, Malayan, Mister Charley, Mongolian, Negrillo, Negrito, Negro, Oriental, Red Indian, WASP, achroma, achromasia, achromatic, achromatosis, achromic, advanced, advanced in life, advanced in years, aged, alabaster, albescence, albinism, albino, albinoism, albumen, along in years, ancient, anemic, argent, argentine, ashen, ashy, auspicious, bare, barium sulfate, barren, benign, besnow, black, black man, blackfellow, blanc fixe, blanch, bland, blank, bleach, bleached, bled white, blench, blimp, blond, blondness, bloodless, blotless, boy, bright, brown man, burrhead, cadaverous, calcimine, canescence, canescent, caviar, chalk, chalkiness, chalky, characterless, chaste, chloranemic, clean, cleanly, clear, colored person, colorless, coon, creaminess, cretaceous, dainty, darky, dead, deadly pale, deathly pale, decolor, decolorize, devoid, dexter, diehard, dim, dimmed, dingy, dirt-free, discolored, driven snow, dull, egg, egg white, eggshell, elderly, empty, etiolate, etiolated, exsanguinated, exsanguine, exsanguineous, extenuate, faded, faint, fair, fairness, fallow, fastidious, featureless, fish eggs, flat, fleece, fleecy-white, flour, foam, fortunate, fresh, frost, frosted, frostiness, frosty, ghastly, glair, glaucescence, glaucousness, gloss over, gook, gray, gray with age, gray-haired, gray-headed, grizzle, grizzled, grizzliness, grizzly, grown old, haggard, hoar, hoariness, hoary, hollow, honky, hueless, hypochromic, immaculate, impeccable, inane, innocent, insipid, ivory, jigaboo, jungle bunny, kosher, lackluster, lactescence, lactescent, leaden, leukoderma, lightness, lily, lily-white, livid, lurid, lusterless, maggot, marble, marmoreal, mat, mealy, milk, milkiness, milky, muddy, neutral, nigger, niggra, niveous, nonpolluted, null, null and void, of cleanly habits, ofay, old, old as Methuselah, ovule, pale, pale as death, pale-faced, paleface, paleness, pallid, paper, pasty, patriarchal, pearl, pearliness, pipe-clay, platinum, propitious, pure, pure in heart, pure white, purehearted, pygmy, reactionarist, reactionist, red man, redskin, ritually pure, roe, royalist, sallow, senectuous, sexually innocent, sheet, shiny, sickly, silver, silvered, silveriness, silvery, slant-eye, smut-free, smutless, snow, snow-white, snowiness, snowy, spade, spawn, spotless, stainless, sugarcoat, swan, swan-white, sweet, tahar, taintless, tallow-faced, the Man, toneless, tubbed, ultraconservative, unadulterated, unbesmirched, unblemished, unblotted, uncolored, uncorrupt, undefiled, unmuddied, unpolluted, unrelieved, unsmirched, unsmudged, unsoiled, unspotted, unstained, unsullied, untainted, untarnished, vacant, vacuous, varnish, veneer, venerable, virtuous, vitellus, vitiligo, void, wan, washed-out, waxen, weak, well-scrubbed, well-washed, whey-faced, white as snow, white lead, white man, white race, white with age, white-bearded, white-crowned, white-haired, whiten, whitened, whiteness, whitewash, whitey, whitishness, with nothing inside, without content, wrinkled, wrinkly, years old, yellow, yellow man, yolk, zinc oxide, zinc sulfide, zinc white