Synonyms and related words :
Aqua-Lung, Vayu, Zephyr, Zephyrus, about ship, aerate, aerophone, air, air out, air-condition, air-cool, airify, allure, antelope, arch, arrow, artificial respiration, aspiration, asthmatic wheeze, back and fill, bagpipe, bait the hook, baloney, bay, bear away, bear off, bear to starboard, beat, beat about, beep, belch, bell, bend, bend back, bilge, birdlime, blah, blah-blah, blare, blast, blat, blow, blow a horn, blow the horn, blue darter, blue streak, bop, bosh, bow, box off, bray, break, breath, breath of air, breathing, bring about, bring round, broken wind, bugle, bull, bullshit, bunk, bunkum, burn out, burp, cannonball, cant, cant round, carillon, cast, cast about, catch, catch out, change course, change the heading, charge, circle, circulate, circumrotate, circumvolute, clarion, clue, cock, coil, come about, contort, corkscrew, cough, courser, crank, crap, crinkle, crook, cross-ventilate, cue, curl, curve, dart, debilitate, decoy, decurve, deflect, distort, divagate, do in, do up, dome, doodle, double a point, double reed, double-tongue, drift, eagle, electricity, embouchure, embow, encircle, enclose, enervate, enlace, enmesh, ensnare, ensnarl, entangle, entoil, entrap, entwine, envelop, enweb, err, eructation, excurse, exhalation, exhaust, expiration, express train, exsufflation, fag, fag out, fan, fart, fatigue, fetch about, fife, flag, flapdoodle, flash, flatulence, flatulency, flatuosity, flatus, flex, flute, frazzle, freshen, gas, gasp, gazelle, get up steam, gin, gird, girdle, go about, go adrift, go around, go astray, go round, greased lightning, greyhound, guff, gulp, gup, gybe, gyrate, gyre, hack, harass, hare, heave round, hiccup, hogwash, hokum, honk, hooey, hook, hook in, horn, hot air, hump, hunch, incurvate, incurve, indication, inflect, inhalation, inhalator, inkling, inspiration, insufflation, intimation, intort, inveigle, iron lung, jade, jet plane, jibe, jibe all standing, key, knock out, knock up, light, lightning, lime, lip, load, loop, lure, malarkey, meander, mercury, mesh, miss stays, misshape, moonshine, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, mouthpiece, naught, net, nil, nix, noose, notion, overfatigue, overstrain, overtire, overweary, oxygen mask, oxygen tent, oxygenate, oxygenize, pant, peal, pererrate, piffle, pipe, pirouette, pivot, ply, poop, poop out, poppycock, prime, prostrate, puff, put about, put back, quicksilver, ramble, recurve, reed, reflect, reflex, refresh, respiration, retroflex, revolve, rocket, rot, rotate, round, round a point, rove, sag, scallop, scared rabbit, scat, screw, scuba, serpentine, set, sheer, shift, shit, shot, shriek, sigh, slew, slide, slink, snake, snare, snarl, sneeze, sniff, sniffle, sniggle, snore, snoring, snuff, snuffle, sound, sound a tattoo, sound taps, spin, spiral, spread the toils, squeal, steam up, sternutation, stertor, straggle, stray, streak, streak of lightning, striped snake, suggestion, surround, suspiration, swag, swallow, sweep, swerve, swing, swing round, swing the stern, swirl, swivel, tack, tangle, telltale, thought, throw about, thunderbolt, tire, tire out, tire to death, tommyrot, tongue, toot, tooter, tootle, torrent, torture, trap, trip, tripe, triple-tongue, trumpet, tucker, turn, turn a pirouette, turn around, turn back, turn round, tweedle, twine, twirl, twist, twist and turn, use up, valve, vault, veer, ventilate, wamble, wander, warm up, warp, weaken, wear, wear down, wear on, wear out, wear ship, weary, weave, wheel, wheeze, whirl, whistle, whorl, wilt, wind instrument, wind the horn, wind up, winnow, worm, wreathe, wring, yaw