Meaning of GALL in English

n. 1 sore (spot), abrasion, scrape, graze, scratch, chafe This gall on my leg is from the saddle 2 irritation, annoyance, nuisance, bother, exasperation, vexation, Colloq aggravation One has to tolerate a lot of gall in this job

v. 3 irritate, chafe, abrade, fret, scrape, rub, grate, scratch His shoe was galling his heel 4 irritate, annoy, bother, vex, irk, exasperate, harass, harry, plague, provoke, goad, nag, pester, hector, badger, nettle, needle, ruffle, fret, anger, enrage, inflame, infuriate, incense, arouse, US rankle It galls me to think of all the animals killed just to make fur coats

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