n. 1 seed, kernel, stone, pip, pit Grains from each crop are stored ready for sowing 2 cereal, corn, grist The grain harvest was sparse this year 3 particle, bit, fragment, crumb, speck, granule, morsel, mote, molecule, atom, fleck, iota, ounce, scrap, trace, scintilla, hint, suggestion, whit, jot (or tittle), dab, soupçon, taste, Colloq US and Canadian smidgen or smidgin There's not a grain of truth in anything that's been said 4 texture, pattern, fibre, weave, nap Use a different kind of saw for cutting across the grain
Meaning of GRAIN in English
Oxford thesaurus English vocab. Английский словарь Оксфорд тезаурус. 2012