Meaning of HEAD in English

n. 1 skull, pate, cranium, Colloq dome, Slang coco(nut), belfry, noggin, bean, nut, rocker, noodle, gourd, Brit conk, crumpet, noddle, loaf She laid her head on the pillow and fell sound asleep 2 chief, leader, administrator, chief executive officer, CEO, (managing) director, MD, president, chairman, chairwoman, chairlady, chairperson, chair, employer, principal, superintendent, supervisor, governor, prime minister, headmaster, headmistress, Colloq boss, headman, the man, Brit guv'nor, guv, US (chief) honcho; Slang big cheese, US Mr Big The new head has called a meeting of the board of directors 3 front, vanguard, forefront, van, fore-part At the head of the column marched the general himself 4 aptitude, intellect, intelligence, talent, perception, perceptiveness, mentality, faculty, flair, genius, brain, mind, wit, Colloq brains, grey matter I have no head for figures 5 crisis, apex, (critical or turning) point, peak, crest, (fever) pitch, climax, culmination, conclusion, crescendo Matters have been brought to a head because of the coming elections 6 source, origin, fount, font, fountain-head, well-spring We were trying to reach the head of the stream before nightfall 7 top, first place, leading position, leadership, forefront Albert is at the head of his class in mathematics 8 head over heels. completely, entirely, deeply, utterly, wholly, fully, Colloq madly, wildly The two of them are head over heels in love

adj. 9 first, chief, main, principal, leading, premier, foremost, prime, pre-eminent, cardinal, paramount, supreme, superior, senior Alphonse is our new head chef

v. 10 go, move, proceed, turn, steer, aim, point, head for, make a beeline for I shall head home when I leave here 11 head up, be in or take charge (of), direct, supervise, oversee, control, govern, run, (take the) lead, guide, manage, command, rule, administer, conduct Who will head the organization if you resign? 12 lead, precede, top Charlotte heads the list of candidates 13 head off. a intercept, divert; cut off, stop, block The cavalry will head them off at the pass b stop, forestall, prevent, inhibit, avert, ward or fend off: What can we do to head off inflation?

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