Meaning of RAKE in English

v. 1 Often, rake up. scrape together, gather (together or up), collect, draw together You really must rake up the leaves from the lawn and burn them 2 scrape, comb, scratch, grate, graze Don't you just hate the sound of a fingernail being raked across a blackboard? 3 rake in collect, gather (up or in), pull in, make Pamela is raking in the royalties from her latest thriller 4 rake it in. coin money, make money (hand-over-fist), Brit coin it in The new record shop in the mall is really raking it in 5 rake out. sift (out), screen, remove, clear, eliminate Please rake out the cinders from the grate 6 rake over or through. search, probe, ransack, scour, comb, rummage through, pick through or over, go through or over (with a fine-tooth(ed) comb), rifle (through) The police raked through her entire flat but found nothing incriminating 7 rake up. a See 1, above. b revive, resuscitate, resurrect, raise, bring up, recall Must you persist in raking up those bad memories? 8 rake up or together gather, scrape up or together, collect, drag together, pick up, dig up, dredge up, find, unearth: Were you able to rake up the others for a game of poker tonight?

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