n. 1 uniting, unity, combining, combination, joining, junction, conjoining, conjunction, allying, alliance, associating, association, coalition, amalgamating, amalgamation, fusing, fusion, marrying, marriage, confederating, confederation, confederacy, synthesizing, synthesis, mixing, mixture, federation, togetherness Monarchies favour the union of Church and State 2 alliance, association, organization, society, circle, fraternity, club, fellowship, team, ring, gang, syndicate, coalition, party, confederation, confederacy, federation, Bund, league, consortium, bloc, cartel, trust The countries formed a union to control their joint economies 3 joint, seam, splice, junction, conjunction, graft, weld; coupling The union between the two pieces may be stronger than the material itself 4 agreement, accord, harmony, harmoniousness, congruity, coherence, compatibility, unanimity, unity The union of the various elements in the painting was skilfully effected
Meaning of UNION in English
Oxford thesaurus English vocab. Английский словарь Оксфорд тезаурус. 2012