n. (pl. -ies)
1. a the delivering of letters etc. b a regular distribution of letters etc. (two deliveries a day). c something delivered.
2 a the process of childbirth. b an act of this.
3 deliverance.
4 a an act of throwing, esp. of a cricket ball. b the style of such an act (a good delivery).
5 the act of giving or surrendering (delivery of the town to the enemy).
6 a the uttering of a speech etc. b the manner or style of such a delivery (a measured delivery).
7 Law a the formal handing over of property. b the transfer of a deed to a grantee or a third party.
Phrases and idioms:
take delivery of receive (something purchased).
Etymology: ME f. AF delivree fem. past part. of delivrer (as DELIVER)