v. & n.
1. tr. & intr. bring or come together; assemble, accumulate.
2 tr. (usu. foll. by up) a bring together from scattered places or sources. b take up together from the ground, a surface, etc. c draw into a smaller compass.
3 tr. acquire by gradually collecting; amass.
4 tr. a pick a quantity of (flowers etc.). b collect (grain etc.) as a harvest.
5 tr. (often foll. by that + clause) infer or understand.
6 tr. be subjected to or affected by the accumulation or increase of (unread books gathering dust; gather speed; gather strength).
7 tr. (often foll. by up) summon up (one's thoughts, energy, etc.) for a purpose.
8 tr. gain or recover (one's breath).
9 tr. a draw (material, or one's brow) together in folds or wrinkles. b pucker or draw together (part of a dress) by running a thread through.
10 intr. come to a head; develop a purulent swelling.
--n. (in pl.) a part of a garment that is gathered or drawn in.
Phrases and idioms:
gather way (of a ship) begin to move.
gatherer n.
Etymology: OE gaderian f. WG