1. n. & v.
1. a young goat.
2 the leather made from its skin.
3 sl. a child or young person.
--v.intr. (kidded, kidding) (of a goat) give birth.
Phrases and idioms:
handle with kid gloves handle in a gentle, delicate, or gingerly manner. kid brother (or sister) sl. a younger brother or sister. kid-glove (attrib.) dainty or delicate. kids' stuff sl. something very simple.
Etymology: ME kide f. ON kith f. Gmc 2. v. (kidded, kidding) colloq.
1. tr. & also refl. deceive, trick (don't kid yourself; kidded his mother that he was ill).
2 tr. & intr. tease (only kidding).
Phrases and idioms:
no kidding (or kid) sl. that is the truth.
kidder n. kiddingly adv.
Etymology: perh. f. KID(1) 3. n. hist. a small wooden tub, esp. a sailor's mess tub for grog or rations.
Etymology: perh. var. of KIT(1)