Meaning of LIST in English

1. n. & v.


1. a number of connected items, names, etc., written or printed together usu. consecutively to form a record or aid to memory (shopping list).

2 (in pl.) a palisades enclosing an area for a tournament. b the scene of a contest.

3 Brit. a a selvage or edge of cloth, usu. of different material from the main body. b such edges used as a material.


1. tr. make a list of.

2 tr. enter in a list.

3 tr. (as listed adj.) a (of securities) approved for dealings on the Stock Exchange. b (of a building in the UK) officially designated as being of historical importance and having protection from demolition or major alterations.

4 tr. & intr. archaic enlist.

Phrases and idioms:

enter the lists issue or accept a challenge. list price the price of something as shown in a published list.


listable adj.

Etymology: OE liste border, strip f. Gmc 2. v. & n.

--v.intr. (of a ship etc.) lean over to one side, esp. owing to a leak or shifting cargo (cf. HEEL(2)).

--n. the process or an instance of listing.

Etymology: 17th c.: orig. unkn.

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.