n. & v.
1. a size or quantity found by measuring.
2 a system of measuring (liquid measure; linear measure).
3 a rod or tape etc. for measuring.
4 a vessel of standard capacity for transferring or determining fixed quantities of liquids etc. (a pint measure).
5 a the degree, extent, or amount of a thing. b (foll. by of) some degree of (there was a measure of wit in her remark).
6 a unit of capacity, e.g. a bushel (20 measures of wheat).
7 a factor by which a person or thing is reckoned or evaluated (their success is a measure of their determination).
8 (usu. in pl.) suitable action to achieve some end (took measures to ensure a good profit).
9 a legislative enactment.
10 a quantity contained in another an exact number of times.
11 a prescribed extent or quantity.
12 Printing the width of a page or column of type.
13 a poetical rhythm; metre. b a metrical group of a dactyl or two iambuses, trochees, spondees, etc.
14 US Mus. a bar or the time-content of a bar.
15 archaic a dance.
16 a mineral stratum (coal measures).
1. tr. ascertain the extent or quantity of (a thing) by comparison with a fixed unit or with an object of known size.
2 intr. be of a specified size (it measures six inches).
3 tr. ascertain the size and proportion of (a person) for clothes.
4 tr. estimate (a quality, person's character, etc.) by some standard or rule.
5 tr. (often foll. by off) mark (a line etc. of a given length).
6 tr. (foll. by out) deal or distribute (a thing) in measured quantities.
7 tr. (foll. by with, against) bring (oneself or one's strength etc.) into competition with.
8 tr. poet. traverse (a distance).
Phrases and idioms:
beyond measure excessively. for good measure as something beyond the minimum; as a finishing touch. in a (or some) measure partly. made to measure Brit. (of clothes) made from measurements taken. measure up
1. a determine the size etc. of by measurement. b take comprehensive measurements.
2 (often foll. by to) have the necessary qualifications (for). measuring-jug (or -cup) a jug or cup marked to measure its contents. measuring-tape a tape marked to measure length. measuring-worm the caterpillar of the geometer moth.
Etymology: ME f. OF mesure f. L mensura f. metiri mens- measure