1. adj. & v.
1. (of a person or complexion) of a whitish or ashen appearance.
2 a (of a colour) faint; not dark or deep. b faintly coloured.
3 of faint lustre; dim.
1. intr. & tr. grow or make pale.
2 intr. (often foll. by before, beside) become feeble in comparison (with).
palely adv. paleness n. palish adj.
Etymology: ME f. OF pale, palir f. L pallidus f. pallere be pale 2. n.1 a pointed piece of wood for fencing etc.; a stake.
2 a boundary or enclosed area.
3 Heraldry a vertical stripe in the middle of a shield.
Phrases and idioms:
beyond the pale outside the bounds of acceptable behaviour. in pale Heraldry arranged vertically.
Etymology: ME f. OF pal f. L palus stake