v. & n.
--v. (past and past part. shone or shined)
1. intr. emit or reflect light; be bright; glow (the lamp was shining; his face shone with gratitude).
2 intr. (of the sun, a star, etc.) not be obscured by clouds etc.; be visible.
3 tr. cause (a lamp etc.) to shine.
4 tr. (past and past part. shined) make bright; polish (shined his shoes).
5 intr. be brilliant in some respect; excel (does not shine in conversation; is a shining example).
1. light; brightness, esp. reflected.
2 a high polish; lustre.
3 US the act or an instance of shining esp. shoes.
Phrases and idioms:
shine up to US seek to ingratiate oneself with. take the shine out of
1. spoil the brilliance or newness of.
2 throw into the shade by surpassing. take a shine to colloq. take a fancy to; like.
shiningly adv.
Etymology: OE scinan f. Gmc